Splankna Session
Splankna Therapy combines body, soul and spirit in concert to resolve emotional trauma. When all three elements of the person are working together, the change is deep and lasting. Splankna attends to the way our bodies store emotions like frequencies. A simple combination of “touch and thought” allows the body to release these stored emotions, thus attending to the body and soul. When the stored trauma emotions behind a symptom are relieved, Splankna helps the client understand and remove the destructive vows and lies associated with those traumas. Body, Soul and Spirit.
At the quantum level of creation (the super small), everything is in motion. All the sub-atomic particles that makeup everything are buzzing. “Energy” is the word physicists use to describe the unknown cause of that movement. The study of the energetic level of creation is called sub-atomic, quantum or theoretical physics. It is sometimes distorted and thought of in new age terms, but if creation contains this theoretical energetic level, then God made it for his good purposes. This theoretical energy/frequency level explores how thoughts have substance and impact like frequencies. It is important to remember that while God sustains all things, even at the energetic level, he could never be defined as “energy” any more than he could be called “an atom.” With that understood, the energetic level of creation provides a wonderful opportunity for emotional healing.